Monday, January 4, 2010

Therapy Wheat Bag

I am so happy to share with you a little more variety to my blog. Sewing projects! I got my very own, very first sewing machine for Christmas!!! I made this wheat bag for my 7 year old son who broke his collar bone last week sledding. He is recovering well with a sling, but sometimes he aches, so I throw the wheat bag in the microwave for a couple of minutes and he puts it on the sore spot and it seems to do a good job of soothing the pain. I made this one out of an old t-shirt, so it's very soft. It was easy to sew and took less than 20 minutes to make. If you want to make one, go to this blog. She has a great tutorial and her wheat bags are very pretty!
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  1. Lovely! What a great idea to use old t-shirts! I made one with some scraps of flannel and stuffed it with some old brown rice and lavender. It's really nice and we have all used it over the past few months.

  2. Loved your wheat bag idea. I will try it on my own now. Wish many more sewing projects to you. Etizolam RX Online
